

Pack Cycler

Pack Cycler

Product Features

E-Bike, Electric Cart, EV, ESS This is a mid-to-large battery pack performance test equipment that can be performed in parallel or standalone mode.
· Voltage Range : 100 ~ 1,000V
· Voltage Resolution : ±0.1%
· Current Range : 1A ~ 50A
· Current Resolution : ±0.1%
· Current Range : Up to 4 Ranges
Provides various analysis programs for quality evaluation and R&D


Product specification

Model Range Voltage Current Mode Ch Characteristic
HP3010 4 100V~5V 300A/100A CC, CV, CP, CC/CV Max8Ch Parallel operation possible/200A,300A
HP1030 3 300V~5V 100A/30A CC, CV, CP, CC/CV
HP3030 3 300V~5V 300A/100A CC, CV, CP, CC/CV Parallel operation possible/300A,600A
HP2050 4 500V~5V 200A/100A CC, CV, CP, CC/CV Parallel operation possible/400A,600A
HP10100 4 1000V~5V 1000A/500A CC, CV, CP, CC/CV