
About Us

HNT Company Info

Company Vision


Our technologies and products contribute to the rich and happy lives of mankind philosophy

We contribute to human society through creation and innovation.

We contribute to human society through creation and innovation.
There are many ways to contribute to society, but from the point of view of a company, To provide products at reasonable prices.
The products we provide are specialized equipment essential for good secondary research, development, and production.
Better secondary batteries will be produced and will play a role in satisfying consumer needs.

3.Core Values

The subject of all activities is a human being, and the root of all activities is a human being.

1. Human : The subject of all activities is a human being, and the root of all activities is a human being.
2. Network : When members move toward a goal with the consciousness of “we” rather than “me” Great power (synergy effect) will be exerted.
3. Technology : In order for us to contribute to human society and ultimately help people greatly, It should be based on the technology accumulated through the innovation created.

4. Right people

Understand our core values and put them into action.

Human resources are the key to achieving the company's vision, and these talents must understand the core values and put them into action.
To do this, HNT Co., Ltd. hopes for the following talents.
1. Talent who acts independently; Talent with passion and ownership
2. Talent who pursues “we” without forgetting “me”; based on honesty talents who can be integrated into
3. Talent who challenges creation and innovation; Talent who challenges with faith and ambition
4. A person full of humanity; a person who respects and cares